Holistic Seed

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Connecting with Dragon Energy - Meditation

From the 10th February, 2024 we move into the Year of the Wood Dragon, so this year we can attune to the energy and wisdom of Dragon to create a strong foundation for this powerful wave of change and transformation.

This year blessed by Dragon, will bring a dynamic shift. Potent energy, new challenges and vast opportunities. The Dragons strength and compassion will assist us in this time of renewal. below is a powerful meditation that came to me on a recent Vision Quest where I connected with the Dragon Energy and was taken through an initiation of Fire, and an intuitive journey merged with the Dragon. You may want to read this slowly into your phone voice recorder, with a period of silence* for the journey with Dragon.

We will begin this journey by travelling deep into the Earth, into the lava caves of the Dragons. You find yourself in a beautiful green forest, full of tall trees, craggy rocks and wild flowers. You begin walking towards some rocks in the foothills of a mountain, and find an entrance concealed by overgrown bushes. You pull aside the leafy curtain and enter into a dark tunnel. As your eyes adjust, you see a flickering red and orange glow in the cavern below so begin to walk towards it. The walls of the cave are smooth rock, there is a slight sulphur smell in the air, and you feel the temperature begin to rise you get closer and closer. You draw on your courage, your place of surety and wisdom, knowing what lies ahead is an opportunity of growth and strength, and will assist you in your transformation. For you are entering a time where old patterns are crumbling, new paths what lies ahead are emerging and you have to go through the transformation of fire.

You come to your first challenge, one that requires your confidence to move forward in alignment with your inner strength.

You reach the opening of the Dragons Cave, and you can hear the breath of this immense beast. He knows you're coming and has been waiting for you. His gift to you is worth far more than the gold upon which he sits. You look upon your dragon, blazoned gold by the surrounding fires. You meet his kind eyes, acknowledging his beauty, the sheer magnificence and radiance of this majestic creature. The ancient Guardian of Earth before you, old and wise, connecting you to the deep mystery within that you has laid dormant. To align to your true purpose and discover what is needed in this year of risk-taking, innovative opportunities and challenges of growth. You step towards the dragon, and as you do a wall of fire appears in front of you.

You except the second challenge.

You feel a protection build within you, the more you focus on it, the more it grows and radiates outwards from your body, surrounding you and becoming stronger. Bravely you step into the fire, you can feel a transformation taking place within you. The fire is purifying your body and soul, removing anything that is no longer of use to you, transmuting and alchemising your dormant gifts and attributes, burning off your fear, shame, anger and guilt. Reinforcing your self worth, compassion and creativity..

You step through the fire and merge with your dragon. You can feel his body as your body, and stretch yourself into his vast wings, his powerful, scaly tail, your senses heightened, as you hold your majestic head high. This powerful spirit, is fiercely protective, a symbol of fire and passion, your spiritual transformation has awakened within you a trust in yourself, to step into the unknown, to face all challenges, achieve your personal goals, with wisdom, intelligence and extreme focus.

In your dragon form you leave the cave, taking deep breaths of the cool, forest air, and push off the Earth beating your wings to gain height. Together, awakened you begin to soar up over the trees, across the land, high mountains and lakes fed by mountain streams on a new journey of inspiration. You can easily communicate with your Dragon in your mind, he is patient and wise, and you can ask him any questions you need guidance with. You ask your Dragon to take you where you need to go, to teach you what you need to learn to assist you in this time of transformation and change. And so, embodying the Dragon, you begin your journey.

**********. (if recording, leave a time of silence here, maybe 10-15miuntes) **********

The dragon has shared with you his strength and prosperity, a wealth of treasures in the form of your personal gifts, so you may embrace change and seek new horizons by looking at the world from new heights. Your journey is coming to and end, and you, as Dragon, alight back into the green forest. You find yourself back in your human form, feeling rejuvenated and open. It is time to say goodbye to your dragon.You gaze lovingly at him one last time, taking in his vibrant colours and majestic form. You thank him for his guidance, the fiery initiation into the year ahead, for showing you how to access your creative and innovative energy, seeing beauty and elegance in this exciting new found path ahead.

The energy of Dragon is within you now, his powerful wisdom, compassion and fierce protection. Knowing how to harness your inner strength, embrace change and soar to new heights.

Begin, now to return to your breathing, taking in a deep, slow breath, wiggling fingers and toes. Having a stretch, and when ready, opening the eyes.