Soul Realignment


What is an Akashic Soul Reading?

We all hold a spark of the Divine Creator within us. We are given free will, to create and experience life on this Earth plane, individually and collectively. I like to see ourselves as Source Light, refracted into rainbow beings (our chakras) and we receive Energy from Source through our Divine Soul Blueprint.

Everything is energy, and we all resonate at a certain frequency. This unique vibration is affected by our thoughts, choices and actions we make in this, and past lifetimes. When we align to our Divine Soul Blueprint we open to abundance, vitality, health, money and time.

A Soul Realignment will access your Divine Soul Blueprint via the Akashic Records, identify and clear negative karmic patterns and restore to origination

Soul Realignment is an intuitive healing modality which utilises the Soul’s Akashic Records to identify and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level, which may be keeping you stuck in repeating cycles.
These patterns are often created in past lifetimes through choices made either consciously or unconsciously, and you may be very surprised to see how they are playing out in this lifetime! Find out about contracts, vows and bargains that are still keeping you bonded. Family betrayal, soul mates, blackmail and love triangles. Running from the law, dedicating yourself to a life of solitude in a monastery, revealing corruption in the ruling class. Struggles, trauma, karma, guilt and shame. Murder, money, love and power. The Earth Experience is rich and diverse, a polarised playground of contrast. 
  A Soul Realignment brings you back into alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint at Origination. It clears the bonds of the past, frees soul fragments and negative karmic attachments, restores the protective layers that individuate us on Earth and release mental and emotional patterns. It’s like a Body/Soul Tune up.
Explore your Divine Soul Blueprint- What’s great about this modality is that you will gain an understanding of who you are at a Soul level, which will help you to respond differently to situations. Discover and embrace your divine gifts to create an abundant life!  It’s about truly living your life completely aligned with your Divine Soul Blueprint, so that you can embrace your human experience! Imagine what life would be like to fully harness the power of your intuitive and manifesting abilities.  Your unique vibrational expression within the community, your gift to the Earth. Your Spirit Guides and assistance from multidimensional beings. The integrity of your energetic body and chakras. This reading opens you up to divine expression of your Soul Self. Empowered and aligned to your free will. 
This in depth reading takes a couple of days, while I access your akashic record remotely, and gather information. I do a Soul Profile reading, that tells you about your Divine Soul Blueprint, and look into present and past life karmic patterns. The energetic blocks and negative  patterns are cleared in the akashic record. This modality is congruent with us being the creators of our existence. Because we resonate at a particular vibration, we attract people and events that have the same resonance. When we bring awareness to past life scenarios, we can take positive steps that align our vibration to our Soul Self. 
We will then organise an hour long audio call to discuss the reading. You will receive a recording of the session available to download and a 21-day clearing homework to absorb the clearing process into your subconscious. We will also discuss ways to take positive action, making decisions in congruence with your Divine Soul Blueprint.
 In order to access your Soul’s Akashic Record, I will need information such as 
  • Full Name at birth (or adopted name if unknown) 
  • Name you are known as now eg. married name 
  • Place of birth (Town and Country)
  • Date of birth
  • any intention you would like to share
  • Please email me for information on payment. Upon receiving payment, I can begin in the reading.

Soul Realignment: $230

To book a Soul Realignment Reading & Clearing, simply email me at:

**Available in Australia & Internationally as is all Online**