Holistic Seed Blog
Embracing 2025
2025 has long been hailed as a momentous year in the evolution of humankind. It is said that by this time, we will have made our choice as to what path we will follow - the path of love, or the path of fear. We have been given enough contrast now to know what is the moral code we chose to experience life on Earth.
Hypnotherapy & the Evolution of Consciousness
When we experience suffering and hardship, the thoughts, feelings, words heard and our perception of the suffering are stored in our subconscious minds. This gives us the baseline of our current consciousness, the state of awareness that we want to evolve from. We continue to experience this state of being over and over, until one day we to seek change, to create a new baseline, to heal, to consciously evolve from one state of awareness to another.
Finding Sacred in the Mundane
You may have heard the words- Before enlightenment fetch wood, carry water; after enlightenment fetch wood, carry water. We all have our daily chores, as human beings we have to meet our basic needs to stay alive, so beginning to bring the sacred into these tasks connects you to Spirit. Honouring and celebrating what we see as mundane brings gratitude for what we have and compassion for others. It is finding peace.
Finding Balance & Harmony
Lightly holding the scales in one hand, the other firmly on the hilt of a sword, ready to cut away what doesn’t hold true for yourself. It all comes down to weighing everything up. Every choice, every action. Asking honestly, does it resonate with your heart? Bringing intention into each moment.
The Role of Shame in our Society
Feelings of shame are very common in our younger years, because we are still learning the parameters of the social construct, figuring out what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, first within our families, and then in our society. Then again as teenagers and young adults, we are learning the acceptable parameters of physical relationships, seeking a sexual identity, while conforming to the new social norms as an adult. Shame can be the yard stick with which we measure ourselves in the constantly evolving society.
Connecting through Pain
I questioned over and over, what is the medicine? What is the teaching I needed to discover though this pain I had manifest. The pain itself came in waves, forcing me to breathe, to let go. Then it would change to another place and I would cycle through again. It blurred my usual meditative focus and connection, and I spiraled down into crying out Why?
The Mermaid Self
These words are from my heart, when I embraced my Mermaid Self, and submerged to my depths, exploring an ocean of mystery.
The Three Diamonds
In the Japanese tradition of Reiki, there are 3 energy centres within the body known as The Three Diamonds. Each Diamond is an analogy of the Self & when all three are connected, we master the self, we dwell in a place of oneness, finding inner peace, strength and harmony in the physical, mental and spiritual levels of being.
Become the Witness
We are the watchers. Seeing our reactions, seeing what makes us happy or sad, and from the vantage point of the witness, we can begin to change the scenarios. our mind is an amazing thing, and we may think that we are at it’s whim, but we are much more powerful than that. We can begin to train our minds, by changing the scenes we see from our divine self.
Denial of the Self
It can be said that when we deny a part of our selves, we then ‘cast out’ that aspect of us from our conscious awareness, we cannot tolerate that behaviour, emotion or sensitivity, and so when see it in others we become triggered and then judge not just the behaviour, emotion or trait, but often the person who is reflecting this back to us.
Healing With The Sounds of Nature
Mother Nature consistently provides us with Sound Healing opportunities. Our souls are housed within carbon based Earth bodies, we belong to Earth, we are her guardians, and she is ours while we have this Earth incarnation, and she provides us with all our needs.
What is Pellowah Healing Technique?
A Pellowah Healing session is about increasing the capacity for positive change by creating a “Shift in Consciousness”, enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential. The growth and change brought about by Pellowah, helps a person build on their old frameworks without the trauma, expanding consciousness and helping you become more objective. This healing happens from the inside out, activating you to generate or create the light within. All 12 strands of DNA connect, ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body, giving a feeling of bouyancy, expansion and connection. Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective.
Connecting with Dragon Energy - Meditation
From the 10th February, 2024 we move into the Year of the Wood Dragon, so this year we can attune to the energy and wisdom of Dragon to create a strong foundation for this powerful wave of change and transformation.
The Weight of Our Wounds
The Weight of our Wounds. Carrying the pain and heaviness of fear, anger, sadness and grief can twist our growth and prevent us from living to our full potential.
Tree of Life- Gateway to the Divine
Connecting to the Tree of Life.
The unique connection we have with trees is ancient, evoking a sense of tranquility, calm and peace. The sacred tree that is honoured as a Gateway to the Divine across many cultures and civilisations, roots connected deeply in the Earth, branches and leaves reaching to the heavens, the tree being a bridge between the two. For when we have a strong foundation in our lives, grounded in our physical, we can then traverse the cosmos.
12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws are a guidance system that when aligned to can assist you into a spiritual growth of the Soul, where you naturally live your unique authentic self, drawing abundance and joy, taking action to achieve and resonate with your Divine Self at one with all.
Connecting to the Elements Within the Body
Within our energetic body, each of the Chakras, are governed by an element. Similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses these elements to reach optimal health and well being, we can intuitively connect to the Elements and allow our life force energy to flow. I use the Crystal Singing Bowls and Guided Meditation as a tool to embody the aspects, the strengths of these elements, to feel balance and connection within the body. To create a feeling of unity with the physical world, that we are in fact a part of nature, in symbiosis with the Earth and the Universe, the creative potential. Aligning our physical body with our Soul, with the Earth.
9 : 9 Portal
September 9th, 2023 is a powerful Portal of endings and beginnings.
It is a time of transition, the time where there is huge potential for completion, in readiness for new beginnings. Even though there may be feelings of heaviness and fatigue, it means old patterns that we hold, will come up to be released, healed and integrated.
Cultivating Gratitude
Do you always hear about raising your vibration and don't know how? Gratitude is one of the easiest ways we can do this. It instills in us feelings of kindness, acceptance and warmth.
When we come from a place of Gratitude, we can find a place within us of acceptance and love, we have tolerance, and come from a peaceful place because we don’t see others as separate from ourselves.