The Three Diamonds
In the Japanese tradition of Reiki, there are 3 energy centres within the body known as The Three Diamonds, the first below the naval, the second at your forehead between your eyebrows, the third at your heart. The First Diamond holds the Earth chi, and represents our physical manifestation. The Second Diamond holds the Heavenly chi and signifies the spiritual mind. These are balanced with love and compassion at the Third Diamond- the heart. Each Diamond is an analogy of the Self & when all three are connected, we master the self, we dwell in a place of oneness, finding inner peace, strength and harmony in the physical, mental and spiritual levels of being.
We can meditate and focus on activating and linking these energy centres, these three diamonds, to experience the unity consciousness. It is believed that humans are a blend of Heaven and Earth balanced in the Heart.
See within yourself three bright lights, and begin by bringing your attention to the first Diamond, the Earth Hara, below your naval. This is the primary energy centre of the body. The foundation on which everything is built. This is our soul manifested into physical form. See at this space a furnace with bright glowing coals. With each breath in you fan your internal fire. You begin to feel the heat of this Hara glowing a bright fiery orange. As the fire becomes stronger, so does the energy build in this Hara, and it begins to radiate out through your whole body. This energy flows deep into the Earth, strengthening your bond to the physical, connecting you to the trees and plants, the mountains and the water. When you strengthen your connection to Earth through the first diamond, you are deeply rooted and stable at your base. You cannot be toppled because you are secure & confident in decisions, aligned to your creativity and passion. It is at this centre we learn to trust. The energy here drives you to your life purpose. It is your life force. Every breath in reminds you to fan your internal fire, and is a reliable source of strength to draw upon, for resilience, for courage for focus.
The Second Diamond is your Upper Hara, located at your forehead, encompassing your third eye and crown. Here, you connect to your Heavenly chi, your spiritual mind, receiving the universal wisdom and guidance from spiritually evolved light beings. Feel yourself opening up to the light expansive energy. Creating a channel of communication and connection to your spirit guides, to your higher self. Imagine yourself filling up with beautiful white, silver and purple light. The life force energy of source flowing down through your head and filling up your body. With this clear crystal channel you have clarity, you’re connected to your inner truth and knowing. This energy illuminates your path, it brings wisdom and knowledge, and allows you to see yourself from your soul’s perspective. Your psychic channels are opening, and you trust your intuitive senses. You can see your true self and you can draw this wisdom down and ground it into your physical life through your Earth Hara.
Bring your attention now to your heart space. Take some deep breaths into your middle Hara, your third diamond, your Heart. Connect deeply here from a place of compassion. Seeing your heart space fill with golden light. Align with your Truth to release judgment and find beauty in every moment. In the heart, we balance the Heavenly and Earthly chi with love and compassion, We hold space for unity of body and mind. Feel into what emotions you are holding here, allow them to come forward, and now see the golden light transforming and releasing the emotions from your heart space. Nurture that part of your self that has suffered, on your journey from a baby to who you are now. Trust that each experience has enriched your life path. Allow yourself to be set free. The golden energy continues to pulse out from your heart, releasing all beliefs of what the outcome should be, and flowing with the beauty of oneness and connection.
Aligning to the three diamonds, anchoring to the true self in the Earth, drawing down the wisdom of the universe, and balancing with love and compassion in the heart. An awareness of unity and divinity in our physical world, working as a whole.
Return again to your Earth Hara below the naval, on a deep breath in, feel the strength in this energy centre, as this is our inner protection. The stability from which all else evolves. Visualise a bright line of energy that radiates outwards from each diamond, feel their power as they pulse together creating a sense of inner peace and harmony. At the Earth Hara, we are connected with the physical plane, grounded and balanced, a firm foundation in life ,connected to the planet. At the Heavenly Hara, we are connecting with the creator frequency, the higher power, our spirit guides and celestial beings, where we align with the unity of truth, & access the cosmic pool of unlimited potential. The strong foundation with Earth allows us to draw the heavenly wisdom down into physicality. At the Heart Hara we are connecting with love and compassion for our self and others.
Written by Lizzi for a Sound Healing Meditation to connect the Three Diamonds