Finding Balance & Harmony
This is a common theme that appears on all my to do lists! Finding Balance & Harmony. The eternal search to centre into calm, into manageable, into finding the middle ground. Getting just the right amount of work, rest, play, family time, self-care, exercise, diet. How are you going balancing the business of life on Earth?
This topic brings to mind the Justice card in the tarot, which according to the Kabbalah is my life path. Lightly holding the scales in one hand, the other firmly on the hilt of a sword, ready to cut away what doesn’t hold true for yourself. It all comes down to weighing everything up. Every choice, every action. Asking honestly, does it resonate with your heart? Bringing intention into each moment.
For me, it is about fully embodying my spiritual path. Knowing the consequences of all my choices and being prepared to take responsibility. I’ve arrived at this point by embracing the path behind me. Accepting all my parts that have brought me to this moment in time. Not knowing what lays ahead, but weighing up each decision on my scales and asking truthfully if this is aligned with my path. Recognising when I am returning to ego based desires. Then, gently coming back into centre, balancing the 2 sides.
We are in a time of great change and renewal. The Earth experience is a diverse playground where we can learn about duality and contrast. We are shown extremes daily through media, movies and within our governments, screaming at us to take a side. Manipulating and deceiving, an assault of hypnotic commands that draw us in with emotional conditioning.
For so long, we have placed our trust outside of ourselves, to always look for the saviour, the knight in shining armour, someone to blame for our suffering and wave the wand for it all to disappear. But, to really find balance and harmony, we have to go within. We have to face our short comings with absolute honesty. To lay bare the bones, let down the guard that has shielded us from our truth. Relinquish the fear, guilt and shame that has kept us held down. Be there to hold all our broken parts and forgive ourselves.
When we can accept ourselves fully, we have the opportunity to find harmony within. It is not an easy journey, but once you have decided to begin, there is no turning back. It is a journey of remembering your connection with your soul self, your divine self. It is drawing down your divine nature into your human experience and seeing the divine nature in everything around you.
It is finding your bliss. Witnessing yourself. Finding balance and harmony within.