9 : 9 Portal
September 9th, 2023 is a powerful Portal of endings and beginnings.
It is a time of transition, the time where there is huge potential for completion, in readiness for new beginnings. Even though there may be feelings of heaviness and fatigue, it means old patterns that we hold, will come up to be released, healed and integrated. We may feel we are being uprooted, forced to face areas in our lives that are not ours, programs inserted into consciousness via manipulation of media and conditioning. Some of these are centuries old, passed down from generation to generation and we are now required to choose to release these programs or continue being puppets on a string. Obeying an unseen master who has us under a hypnotic spell. This portal is open to change with the assistance of high frequencies of truth, found in the guidance of your own heart.
Will you have the courage to heed the call?
Change and transition is never easy, to look within, in these powerful times and have the courage to face what has held us back, is a path that requires commitment, determination and grit. To see that it is only ourselves that have truly held us back with our limiting belief systems, that we have handed over control of ourselves willingly. We may feel physically uncomfortable in our bodies as the frequencies that are lifting on the earth lift us with them.
We will be stepping into the unknown, and the only guidance we have is from our own hearts, our connection to Earth to anchor these frequencies, and our divine spark within us. From constriction comes expansion, from release comes healing. To go into our own shadow, to recognise our responsibility as a creator of our own path, we have the opportunity to breakthrough. To complete one cycle and begin another.
There is much light and energy streaming into this planet, and because we are part of nature itself, we may feel our bodies filling up with that light, wondering if we have the power to hold it, to embody our own light being, to allow our systems to flush out feelings of anxiety, nausea and headaches. Our emotions are surfacing for acknowledgement and healing. So we can integrate these frequencies and assist our planet and ourselves with the Ascension.
We may feel an abundance of nervous energy, because our nervous system is the physical manifestation of our energetic body, and our emotions are simply energy in motion, the light flowing through meridians and nervous system will assist to release blockages, ready for acceptance.
Take advantage of this 9:9 portal where the intense energies will amplify our motions, anxieties and symptoms of pain within the body. Trust that these need to be moved and released, to stabilise us through this transition.
Connect only to your Heart, to your DNA, all your answers are within.
Image by http://omniscience1.deviantart.com/art/Merkaba-414572580