Holistic Seed

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Cultivating Gratitude

Do you always hear about raising your vibration and don't know how? Gratitude is one of the easiest ways we can do this. It instills in us feelings of kindness, acceptance and warmth.

When we come from a place of Gratitude, we can find a place within us of acceptance and love, we have tolerance, and come from a peaceful place because we don’t see others as separate from ourselves.

If on waking, you allow yourself to be grateful for your warm bed to sleep in, that you have shelter, that you can get up and make breakfast. Small acts of gratitude can amount to big feelings of well being.

We can open ourselves up to our true purpose, awakening to the call to let go of old patterns, to surrender to your creative potential. Gratitude is centered in the heart, and is guided by our spiritual nature. The wisdom that we are all connected.

Now is also a time to remember how grateful we are, for all that has gone before, for all of our lessons and hardships that have taught us to be resilient, to be strong, to have compassion and forgiveness. Being grateful for all our experiences across this lifetime that have shaped our lives, and brought us to this moment. Thanking this vessel that carries us and holds us as we traverse this terrain.

Breathe deeply into your beautiful body, allow the gratitude to wrap around you like a warm blanket, feel it swelling in your heart space as it gives you and your body a beautiful hug. Feel it's warmth spread out from your heart space and fill your whole body, overflowing into the space all around you. Every step you have taken, every stumble, every fall, has created a symphony of experience that has enriched your life, provided a contrast, so we know how to make choices and align with our true values.

Feel into your feet. Your toes, the soles of your feet. Thank your feet for each and every step, feeling grateful, supported and healed. Feel into your bones for they have provided you structure to grow upon. Connect to your hands,that have shaped your life, that have held the cup to quench your thirst. Think of the many hands you have held, grateful to share a part of yourself with those who need a shoulder to lean on.

Allow the gratitude to flow from your eyes, as you gaze upon the beauty of our earth, our Mother who unwaveringly provides us all that we need. Allow the gratitude to flow like the waters of earth, the rain soaking into the rich soil, lush gardens that give us our food. Heartfelt thanks as she sustains our needs, her body nurturing our bodies. Feel the warmth of the sun on our skin, grateful for the night and day, the sun and moon, the stars and the sky. Grateful we can lie on our backs and watch the clouds above change shape, travel to the stars on a moon lit night, or wrapped in a cloak of darkness, waiting for the rise of the sun.

Think of your loved ones, or someone who has touched your heart. Find yourself held in their gaze and fill yourself up with the love you feel, grateful to have known the bond of connection. See the animals around us with love in their hearts. Sharing eagerly their love.

Connecting to ourselves in this way, allows the Gratitude to flow from our being, opens the pathway to the soul. As that feeling fills up our bodies, we can send it out into the world, to assist those around us, who may be struggling or in hardship or may need a helping hand.

We can fit send it out further into the world to assist towns in crisis, to help the people of this world navigate these times of chaos.

To be a guiding light in times of darkness.

Feel the warmth and acceptance and peace within, and offer to ourselves this Gratitude Prayer.