Holistic Seed

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Hypnotherapy & the Evolution of Consciousness

One may ask, how does consciousness evolve? It implies moving from one state of awareness to another, with the perception of improving that state of being.

In order for consciousness to evolve, there must be a state of awareness to evolve from, and an idea of a destination to evolve to. The experience of duality provides the contrast of moving from one experience into another more desirable experience. We perceive we are evolving, based on the experiences we create, being better than before. The destination perhaps; to remember the divine nature that we already are and have always been - the source creator.

The duality perceived in our human life on Earth can therefore be used as a gauge, giving a contrast between how we want or don’t want to experience life. It is apparent, that humanity as a collective, has chosen to experience hardship and suffering as a way to evolve by experiencing duality.

When we experience suffering and hardship, the thoughts, feelings, words heard and our perception of the suffering are stored in our subconscious minds. This gives us the baseline of our current consciousness, the state of awareness that we want to evolve from. We continue to experience this state of being over and over, until one day we to seek change, to create a new baseline, to heal, to consciously evolve from one state of awareness to another.

Hypnotherapy is a way for us to identify and change the beliefs we have programmed in the subconscious. Whether they are individual beliefs from personal experience, from within the family and community, beliefs embedded from traditions and cultures, or held by humanity as a whole. It allows one to release themselves from the confines of limiting beliefs by becoming aware of what these are and releasing the emotions held around early experiences.

Hypnosis is a way to access the subconscious mind, taking the mind into a trance state by focusing the attention away from the conscious analytical mind. Once in hypnosis, the therapy can take place, learning new ways to respond to our ever changing environment. When the individual has freed itself from the bounds of old beliefs, they may sense a feeling of expansion, a connection to being part of something bigger. They can tap into their superconscious mind, remembering their divinity, and so takes place an evolution in the consciousness of the individual.

Because we are all energy interacting in the same field, the evolved thought patterns spread throughout the collective and the collective consciousness also expands and evolves.

Hypnotherapy can play a role in the evolution of consciousness. It allows the client to tap into their own state of consciousness as well as access the superconscious mind, to open to expansiveness and healing as a collective.