12 Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws are a guidance system that when aligned to can assist you into a spiritual growth of the Soul, where you naturally live your unique authentic self, drawing abundance and joy, taking action to achieve and resonate with your Divine Self at one with all.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness: this law signifies our connection to everyone and everything because we are all divine source light. Every thought, belief and action affects everything and everyone, We are all one, we are divine light.

2. The Law of Vibration: Everything and everyone in the universe is vibrating, oscillating in constant motion. Emitting a frequency, and energy. We each have a unique vibrational frequency, that we can tune with our thoughts and emotions, resonate with our desires.

3. The Law of Inspired Action: In order to create, to manifest, you need to take actionable steps to achieve your goals. It needs to be inspired action- aligned with our thoughts, words and emotions. Aligned to our inner knowing.

4. The Law of Correspondence: The famous “As above so below” Principles in the physical world correspond to the principles in the etheric world. Your inner world reflects your outer world, so if you wish to change what you see, you need to change your patterns within.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect: This law states that all actions have a corresponding reaction. What is put out, will be received. We reap what we have sown. Nothing happens by chance, we are the creators of our reality

6. The Law of Compensation: This law ties in with the Law of Cause and Effect, the universe rewards our good deeds with blessings and abundance. Friendships, happiness and joy, gifts.

7. The Law of Attraction: Perhaps the most well known law of like attracting like. Our thoughts and feelings produce frequencies and this is how we create our reality. Negative energies attract negative energies, positive attracts positive. Sometimes held emotional trauma stays in our energetic field and that is why we continue to attract the same trauma repeating like a broken record

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: We have the power within to transform conditions in our lives. We are in constant flux at an atomic level, and so we can be affected by another’s energy and affect others with our energy. Higher vibrations transform lower vibrations, so we can uplift those around us, and effect change.

9. The Law of Relativity: this is a law of perspective how each of us receive a series of tests in order to grow spiritually. If everything in the universe is neutral, it’s only our perspective of abundance or lack that is based on our own personal experiences of the world. Being grateful for what you have allows more appreciation and abundance to come into your experience.

10. The Law of Polarity: Everything in creation has a polar opposite, the nature of duality, light and dark, day and night, good and evil. One not existing without the other as it creates the closed circuit to become whole. This provides a contrast to gain a deeper perspective of life.

11. The Law of Rhythm: Everything in creation has a vibration, that moves in a certain rhythm. This law reflects the cycles of nature, the sun, moon and planets, the seasons and patterns of human development. The rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides, the breath, the cycles of growth of plants. Aligning to these cycles can assist us when we have negative reactions to stressors, as everything moves in flow, change and transformation.

12. The Law of Gender: there is a masculine and feminine aspect to everything in creation, to find a balance between these yin and yang energies within is to master the self. An outward active doing energy, balanced with surrendering, internal, nurturing energy.


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