Holistic Seed

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Connecting to the Elements Within the Body

Within our energetic body, each of the Chakras, are governed by an element. Similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses these elements to reach optimal health and well being, we can intuitively connect to the Elements and allow our life force energy to flow. I use the Crystal Singing Bowls and Guided Meditation as a tool to embody the aspects, the strengths of these elements, to feel balance and connection within the body. To create a feeling of unity with the physical world, that we are in fact a part of nature, in symbiosis with the Earth and the Universe, the creative potential. Aligning our physical body with our Soul, with the Earth.

Earth Element Root Chakra The Earth element is the grounding force. The ancient, deep energies and wisdom of the rocks and mountains. Strength and resilience creating solid grounding energy.Awareness of your legs and feet, merging with the soil, the rocks, the land. The security of being deeply rooted into the Earth. This foundation needs to be strong, to hold us supported and grounded, to notice how you are anchored into the Ground. This Earth Element is dense, it is stable. It is patient. It is the witness to all. Acknowledging this great force and it’s primal state of being. Seeing yourself as the mountain, strong in its foundation. Trusting, safe, instinctual and independent. The Earth reminds of us the cycles of life, of death, rebirth, endings and beginnings and fertile seeds planted in between.

Water Element Sacral Chakra Having strong foundation, we can begin to stir, to move and flow with the Element of Water, within our sacral chakra. We canimagine our pelvis as the bowl, holding our water within. Our breath is like the water element, flowing in and out, like the ebb and flow of the ocean waves, rhythmic, steady, continuous.. Water flows through our bodies in the form of blood, lymph, plasma, and our whole urinary system, flushing out old blocked energy, clearing for ease of flow. The Element of water is a deep dive into the subconscious, thedream state, with pure and clear intention. Connecting into this element, connects to your creative experience, your intimate emotions bringing joy, pleasure and sensuality, sometimes still and tranquil, other times tumultuous like the storm. The element of water allows us to merge with our empathy, our sentimental nature. Surrender to the flow of your emotions, feel them wash over you, like a cool refreshing wave. Not attached to the feeling, but witnessing the movement.

FIRE Element Solar Plexus Chakra -From our strong and grounded foundation, our flowing intuitive emotional self, we move into the passionate element of Fire at the Solar Plexus Chakra- The Sun! This element comes through us as determination, inner strength and desire. The burning need within us to move towards our goals. Fully expressive the Fire element is one of transformation, taking what no longer works for us, and transmuting it with fierce courage. Fire is used to purify and protect. Fire in our bellies gives us the focus needed to achieve, to strengthen our wills. From this Solar plexus, the meeting point, we can transform and vitalise our energy. The great destroyer, from which new life can emerge. Feel into the power of this element, that gives us courage to stand in our power and shine our light. To be bold, to be motivated to take inspired action. Embrace your inner fire and open to adventure, enthusiasm and a zest for life. This fire element gives you confidence, creating boundaries trusting your gut feelings without the need for other people's validation or approval. Merging with the Fire Element means doing what is right for you, when you want to do it

AIR Element HEART Chakra - Grounded into the Earth, flowing with Water and driven by the passion of Fire, we move up into the Element of Air, residing in the heart space, the lungs. The openness of acceptance. Connecting into the Air element brings expansion and release. Air helps to move, inspire and harmonise our mental body. It brings a feeling of spaciousness, lightness, a feeling of floating like a feather on the wind, it is gentle and formless. It holds the energy of change, shifting movement, of release and letting go. Air is our breath, the breath of life. Being open to the life force. Breathing deeply you can imagine any fear or resistance leaving your body on each out breath, floating away like dandelion seeds on the wind. Merge with the air element and connect with gratitude, the joy of life. Air is freedom, liberation. With Air we tap into our creative intelligence, our consciousness of our physicality.

SOUND Element - Throat Chakra The throat Chakra is often connected with Ether or space, but I like to explore the element of Sound within the Space. Sound is vibration, it is alignment of our own unique vibration with that of Earth and the Universe. Sound is a way we communicate, and fill the space, one of the tools of healing the self. Sound is the gift of our authentic voice. Within our throat chakra is our ability to speak our truth, that which resonates with our vibration, to be able to express ourselves with clarity. Connecting to Sound means aligning with the hum of the universe, of releasing blocked energy, or a primal way to release pain and suffering. This element is our communication and expression, voicing our needs, speaking assertively, calmly, with conscious intention and awareness. Sound is laughter, singing without restraint, it is a release for our grief and pain when our tears flow. It is ecstasy within union. The raw primal expression of self, of protection of our loved ones. When we connect to the Element of Sound we become free of constraint, releasing emotion, joined in community to have our voices heard.

LIGHT Element - THIRD EYE Chakra Now moving up to the Third Eye chakra, and to the Element of Light. This is a place of illumination, seeing beyond duality, beyond the dense elements into high vibration. Light is electromagnetic, it is magnification and visualisation. Stepping into the light is like a portal to higher consciousness. Within the spectrum of light we rely on our perception, our intuition, our divine guidance. Merging with Light allows us to dispel the darkness, to reveal what is true. Connecting to the Divine Light, the Angelic vibration of pure consciousness, of our spirituality, our light body that transcends space and time. Tuning into the element of Light allows us to embrace life, draw on our inner strength, our hope and faith. A scared union shining from within, drawing on the wisdom of the Soul

THOUGHT Element - CROWN CHAKRA When we come to the Crown Chakra, we connect with the element of Thought. Thought is how we access the infinite field of consciousness. It is making sense of abstract ideas so we comprehend our reality. At the Crown Chakra is our connection to universal wisdom, the way we bring this wisdom to the physical world in a way that makes sense. Merging with Thought is taking the idea and putting it into action. It is purity, instant, endless and infinite. It is pure creative potential that is unmeasurable. That which is beyond yet within. Pure potential. It is what can mould our beliefs, shape our world, it is our tool of creation and manifestation, and will free us from our self imposed limits as much as building the walls. Thought shows us how we are the creators of our reality, what we think is what we draw to ourselves.